Friday, September 15, 2006

So...This is my life...

I wake up, make some coffe and then turn on my computer to check if I have email from my homey..9 times out of 10 I do, which is cool, because I love reading emails from Noland...After I recharge with the coffee, I am off to wake the girls up to get ready for school...They are all pretty good about getting up in the morning, which for me is a good thing..I don't know how I would handle it if they always woke up in a pissy mood...I make breakfast and while they are eating, I go ahead and get dressed because god forbid I go out in my PJ's...Then it's time to wake up Peyton...God I love her...She always wakes up with a smile and a "Hi momma" for me...The older girls get their lunches in their backpacks and we are out the door...McLaine walks Kiera to her room and it's back home for the rest of us....
The rest of the day is spent with Aislinn and Peyton...we watch tv, eat breakfast together and juat hang out...I do get stuff done around the house too...Not alot, but enough to make the house not look like a wreck...

I joined the MOPS Program here in Southern Pines...I am hoping it will be something that Aislinn, Peyton and I can enjoy...I am looking forward to the first meeting which is next Wednesday!!! Woo Hoo!! It will be nice to talk to other moms...That's something I rarely get to do...I do have a few that I talk to online, and I wish I could hang out with them, I think we would have a Blast!!

I am so grateful for the boards I belong to...They give me a place where I can go and brag about my husband, my kids, and just get to know other moms...I know there are always going to some I don't get along with, but I don't let it bother me, because they don't know me...Only a few really know who I am in real life :) And those are the ones I talk to on the phone...The ladies on the boards have been there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on, a sounding board when things with my sister got completely out of hand, and a place to go when I had noone else to share my life with...Thank you ladies for always being there...

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