Saturday, September 09, 2006

Remembering CAROL FLYZIK....

I have been chosen to honor Carol Flyzik....
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"The 40-year-old Plaistow resident was killed when American Airlines Flight 11 was deliberately crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers by terrorists.

Flyzik leaves her partner of 12 years, Nancy Walsh, of Plaistow; her brother Mark, his wife Cathy and their twin sons Nathan and Benjamin, of Plaistow; her sister Linda Pritchard, her husband Ed and their son Edwin, of Brunswick, Maine; her sister Claudia, of Atkinson; and her parents Janet and Charles Flyzik, of West Newfield, Maine."

Carol has touched the lives of many people and is still missed by all...May she still rest in Peace....She left behind a loving partner, and family members who miss her dearly...I wish I could have known Carol. From what I have learned about her, she seems to have been a wonderful sister, a great friend, and great employee...She was never without a smile or a friendly "hello". She made people feel special.

"She just took an interest in everybody; she did not have any airs or pretensions," Schmidt said. "When you talked with her, you always knew she was being honest and sincere."
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Rockingham News: Plaistow, New Hampshire


Gail said...

Meghan, thank you for honoring Carol. I work at the same company she did. Today, like many of my co-workers, I can't help but think of Carol. I did not know her personally, but, knew her by face in the office. I find it hard to go back and remember the feeling when I heard that we had an employee, a friend, on one of the planes. September 11, 2001 changed us all. And from what I know, Carol changed the life of everyone she knew for the better. Thank you again.

A Clever Life said...

Meghan, You did a beautiful job remembering Carol.